New website, new beginnings.

This is my fourth website since I began my career as a photographer. The first was an Apple iWeb with an inconceivably long domain name but you could sell images on it. You could use your own domain name but you lost certain functionality. Number two was good until someone hacked it to destruction.The third incarnation was great but I never felt in control of it. Now I have this site, a Format site. Hopefully, it will be my last. It seems to have everything I want from a website. A portfolio, the ability to add collections around a specific events, a password protected client page where I can share, licence and they can download my images. A blog and the usual about and contact page.

Through this site I hope to go onto bigger and better things with my photography, to push myself further and to work harder. In this blog, “Musings from a small room” I will occasionally tell you about my photographic jobs, day and life. My thoughts on photography, photographers, equipment and anybody or anything else I feel the need to get of my chest.

These blogs will not be masterful piece’s of literature, my grammar is really bad, but I hope it will convey how I feel about photography. The photographs, well, I let them speak for themselves. There’s a bit of me somewhere in them.

Using Format